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All CollectionsRisk Assessments
Overview inside a Risk Assessment
Overview inside a Risk Assessment

This article explain what information you can see inside a Risk Assessment on the Human Risks platform.

Updated over a month ago

All risk assessment can be found on the list under the map on the Risk Assessments page. To see the data within the risk assessment, click into it.


  • Overall Risk Score - Clicking on the Overall Risk Score gives you a breakdown of the factors that contribute to the overall score. This score is based on the threat levels and the effectiveness of treatments in the risk assessment. Risks categorised as High, Medium, or Low are all considered in the calculation, using settings configured by your organization's platform administrators. If you need more details, please contact your organization's administrators.

  • Treatments - shows a chart with an overview of how many treatments are implemented, In progress, Not Implemented etc.

  • Incident Report I Internal - shows a chart that looks at how many incidents internal incidents have been reported in each month.

  • Reviews - Shows how many Open Issues, Corrective Actions, Overdue Reviews the review task contains.

  • Overview - Contains the basic information of the risk assessment (e.g.: address, owner, division). Above the overview section, you can also download the risk assessment as a PDF.

  • Complete a Risk Assessment

    • In the Overview section of the risk assessment, you can choose to finalize a risk assessment by clicking on 'Complete'. Following that, you'll be asked to select the date when the respective risk assessment was completed.

    • After selecting a date and clicking 'Complete', the overview section will display the date of completion and the user responsible for the action.

  • Recommendations - Provides you with actionable advice based on available data (e.g. if your risk assessment doesn’t contain any threats or mitigating measures).

  • Remarks - shows a description of anything that was typed in while creating the risk assessment.

  • Conclusion - can be used to write an executive summary of the risk assessment.


  • Threats - shows you how many threats you have identified in your risk assessment. Here you can either add a new threat manually: "+ Create threat" or click Suggested threats to see what threats your organization suggests you to add and assess. Check out the following link on how to add threats.

  • Threat Level is a result of “Likelihood x Consequence” where the result is divided into three levels.

  • Both the Risk Level and Residual Risk Level are results of how well implemented (Risk Level) and not implemented (Residual Risk Level) treatments affect the risk (risk reducing effect).

  • Cost represents the cost of the respective threats.

  • The charts show Threats, Risks and Residual Risks for all threats within the Risk Assessment.


  • Treatments  - shows all the treatments currently created in the risk assessment. They are distributed in different sections based on their implementation status.

  • Create treatments - allows you to manually create treatments

  • Suggested treatments - allows you to see what treatments your organization suggests you to add. Check out this link for more information how to add treatments.

  • Treatment Savings & Costs - shows how much you have saved and spend on treatments inside the assessment.

  • Implementation Status - Shows how many treatments are implemented, in progress, not implemented, etc.

  • Deadlines - gives an overview of upcoming treatment deadlines as well as overdue treatments deadlines.

Intelligence & Incidents

  • Incident reports - The Incident Reports function provides you with an overview of internal incident reports from your organization as well as incident reports from external sources. You can search and filter through this data to analyze incident trends, and even use it as an input for predictive analytics and future planning. The Incident Reports function gives you the ability to search for incidents and stay updated with what is happening near your site.

  • Country risk - Here you will find external data from the external intelligence provider Riskline. Note this might look different depending on whether your organization subscribes to this data.

  • Country risk ratings - The country risk ratings section gives you an overview of specific risk levels on a country level and in risk zones. This can help you orient yourself about the risk level near your site. This data is from the external intelligence provide Control Risks. Note this might look different depending on whether your organization subscribes to this data.

Country Background

  • Country background - The country background section shows you live data from the intelligence provider Control Risks. In this section, you can orient yourself about the different risks within the country your site is located in.


  • Tasks  - provides an overview of all the current task of that respective risk assessment.

  • The charts show an overview of deadlines, Issue Categories, Issue Severities & Corrective Actions. 

  • You can also create a new Task by clicking on "Create +" button.


  • Reviews - allows you to see information regarding your Review Task.

  • You can see the next review dates, assignor, assignee, Frequency and Reviewer.

  • Below, you can click on the task to complete it.


  • Comments - The comments section gives you the ability to send comments to another user by using the @- sign before their name. The mentioned user will receive an email, but the content of the message will NOT be sent to the receiver via email as a security measure to keep your data safe.


  • Files - You can add any additional files (documents, images, etc.) in the files section. You can either do this by clicking on the "Drop your files here (or click)" text or by dropping it directly.

Please be aware that there is a file size limit of 50 MB per file for uploads in Risk Assessment!

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