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AI Threat Suggestion

This articles gives you an overview of the AI threat suggestion functionality and how to import AI suggested threats to your risk assessment.

Updated over a month ago

What are AI threat suggestions

AI threat suggestions allow you to get a lists of threats suggested based on relevant data within your organization's Human Risks platform. The AI model takes into consideration similar risk assessments, historical incident reports and external intelligence feeds.

How to import AI suggested threats

  1. To import AI suggested threats, click on suggested threat.

  2. Next, select the AI threats you want to have imported. Note, if the suggestions are greyed out it means the same threat type has already been imported to your Risk Assessment, or the same threat already exists in your template suggestions as set by your administrator.

  3. Once you have reviewed and selected the threats you would like to include in your assessment, click import.

  4. You can now review each imported threat(s) and start populating the assessment.

Note, if a threat template exists within your organization which is directly linked to the threat type you have imported from an AI Suggestion, the threat will be imported to your risk assessment with pre-configured settings - including a threat description and initial threat capability assessment. You can change any fields on an imported threat to a different values where needed.

What do AI Suggestion scores mean?

Next to each AI Threat Suggestion, there is a score indicated. This score represents the AI model's relevance analysis of the threat to your risk assessment based on the details you have already provided in the risk assessment, and the similar risk assessments, historical incident reports and external intelligence sources the model has access to across your organization.

The more relevant datapoints the AI finds, which indicate potential relevance of the threat to your assessment, the higher the score will be.

The AI's logic is displayed in hover tooltips while you are reviewing the suggestions. For more detailed reasoning, you can also open an individual suggested threat for further details.

Similar Risk Assessments

If the threat suggestion has been made based on similar risk assessments, this section will summarise the other risk assessments across your organization used by the AI to make its suggestion based on geography, asset profile, and qualitative information.

Individual logic icons beside each similar risk assessment represent the factors used by the AI in its analysis. The darker the icon, the higher the associated factor's contribution in informing the AI analysis:

  • Geography: Similarity in the location of the risk assessments

  • Asset Type: Similarity in Asset Type(s) and/or Site Category

  • Qualitative Information: Similarity in text fields within the risk assessments, such as remarks & conclusions

Note, while the AI uses all information in your organization's risk profile to inform its suggestions, individual users are only able to see similar risk assessments in the AI's logic which they have access to.

Incident Report History

If the threat suggestion has been made based on your organization's internal incident report history, this section will summarise the internal incident reports used by the AI to make its suggestion based on geography, date, and qualitative information.

Individual logic icons beside each relevant internal incident report represent the factors used by the AI in its analysis. The darker the icon, the higher the associated factor's contribution in informing the AI analysis:

  • Geography: Location of the incident report in relation to your risk assessment

  • Date: When the incident occurred, in relation to the date you are prompting the AI suggestion

  • Qualitative Information: Relevancy of details in the incident description to your risk assessment

Note, while the AI uses your organization's entire internal incident report history within Human Risks to inform its suggestions, individual users are only able to see relevant incident reports in the AI's logic which they have access to.

External Intelligence

If your organization has an integration with an external intelligence provider in Human Risks which has been connected to the AI Threat Suggestion Model, this final section will display external incident reports used by the AI to make its suggestion based on geography, incident type and date.

The information will include potential threat relevance based on the number of events which have occurred within a defined range from your risk assessment location, in addition to the time period in which the incidents occurred.

Note, the weightings used by the AI Threat Suggestion model to analyze the relevancy of threats to your risk assessment are defined by your organization's administrator, including the key datasets and individual factors to prioritize in making its suggestions. For more information, please contact your administrator or the Human Risks team.

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