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Setting up BCP configuration
Setting up BCP configuration

This article will explain how you can set up predefined roles and contacts

Updated over a week ago

As an administrator on the Human Risks platform, you are able to set up different configuration settings related to BCP module.

Set up Predefined Roles

When creating new Roles, you have the option to choose a Role Name from a predefined list of roles available on your platform. The admin user has the ability to create templates for the role names on the Organization module.

To create a predefined role, follow the steps below:

  1. Go to your platform.

  2. Click into the Organization module.

  3. Scroll down to Predefined Roles

  4. Click on Create +

  5. Write a Title

  6. Click Save

If you want to remove the predefined role, click on the symbol from the right.

Set up Contacts

Under the Contacts section in a BCP, users can add the relevant contacts. One option available here is "Suggested Contacts", which will provide the user with a list of suggested contacts. These suggested contacts can be customized by the admin user within the Organization Module.

To create a new contact(s), follow the steps below:

  1. Go to your platform.

  2. Click into the Organization module.

  3. Scroll down to Contacts

  4. Click on Create Contacts. Alternatively, you can import contacts using the Import button.

5. Write the Name of your contact

6. Add its email

7. Write the phone number(s) of your contact

8. Add its title

9. Leave a comment if relevant

On the right side, you have the option to view all the information related to the contact. Additionally, if you want to remove or edit one of the contacts, click on the respective button.

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