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How to create a BCP
How to create a BCP

This article explains how to create a BCP on the Human Risks platform.

Updated over 9 months ago

In order to create a BCP, follow the steps below:

  1. Go to your platform.

  2. Go to the BPC module.

  3. Click on Create+.

  4. Start by filling out the following input fields:

  • Title - Write the title of your BCP.

  • Divisions - Select the division you want your BCP to be part of.

  • Owner - Assign the owner to the BCP.

  • Type of Plan - Select the type of plan you are creating. Select from existing types (e.g. Disaster Recovery Plan).

  • Related Plans - If relevant select an already existing plan that is related to the new plan.

  • Description - Leave a description of your BCP.

  • Location - You can select a location for your BCP if relevant. It will be shown on the map on the frontpage of BCP module.

Overview inside of a BCP

A BCP is divided into multiple sections. Below, you will be introduced to what each sections are and how to use them.

Basic info & Location

Here, you will find all the information you added when creating the BCP, such as the owner, title and division. Additionally, you can also see the map with the designated location of the BCP.

Activation Criteria

Here, you can define the circumstances or conditions that trigger the activation of the BCP. The activation criteria is used to ensure that you know exactly when to activate a plan.

  • Click on Edit Activation Criteria to write the activation criteria for your plan.

Roles and Responsibilities

Roles and responsibilities section in Business Continuity Plan (BCP) module refers to the roles and responsibilities assigned to individuals within your organization in preparation for, response to, and recovery of potential disruptions.

The purpose of defining roles and responsibilities is to ensure that everyone understands their specific duties and obligations, and is able to act quickly and effectively in the event of a disruption.

To create a new role:

  1. Click on the Create Role button.

  2. A new page will open in which you will have to define the Primary and Secondary user for that specific role.

  3. Select the Role Name from the existing ones. If you want to create a new role just type the role name in the New Role Name field.

Task management

Graphical user interface, application, Teams

Description automatically generated

Creating a task on a BCP is similar to creating a task elsewhere on the platform.

You can choose assignees like you normally do by selecting a user or you can select a user role. Assigning tasks to a user role instead of a specific individual can prevent your plan from being dependent on specific persons in case of an activation of the plan.

Another thing that differs from doing tasks elsewhere on the platform is that you set an offset instead of a deadline. This is the amount of time that shall pass from when a plan is activated to an Assignee gets notified of the task.


Contacts are individuals that are critical resources in preparation for, response to, and recovery from potential disruptions. The purpose of defining contacts is to ensure that you have access to the necessary information in the event of a disruption.

To create a contact:

  1. Click on the Create Contact button.

  2. A pop-up will open where you need to populate with the relevant information about your contact. The information fields in the new window are the following:

    • Name

    • Email

    • Phone number(s)

    • Title

    • Company

    • Comment


Inside the Files section, you can add any additional files (documents, images, etc.) in the files section. You can either do this by clicking on the Drop your files here (or click) text or by dropping it directly.

Please be aware that there is a file size limit of 50 MB per file for uploads in a BCP!

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