Create a new BIA
In order to create a BIA follow the steps below:
Title - Write a title of your BIA.
Divisions - Select the division to which you want your BIA to be part of.
Owner - Assign an owner.
Description - Leave a description of your BIA.
Location - Select a location for your BIA if relevant.
Overview inside a BIA
The page of a BIA is distributed in multiple sections:
Basic info & Location
Here, you will find all the information added when firstly creating the BIA, such as the owner, title and division(s). Additionally, you can also see the location if this was added when creating the BIA.
As part of your BIA, you need to identify and add the units. The units can consist of products and services, processes, activities, people, buildings, equipment, etc.
The purpose of defining and analyzing these units is to gain a comprehensive understanding of the interdependent relationships between them, assess the potential impact of an interruption to each unit, and prioritize recovery plans and resources accordingly.
To create a unit follow the steps below:
Click on Create Unit
Write a Title
Select an Owner
Add a Description
Select a Location if relevant
Select the Division(s) it should be part of
Select a Unit Category
You can select between the following unit categories
Products and Services
Depending on which one you choose the next steps might look a bit different. If you select processes you can link it to an existing product and services within you BIA. And if you select activities you can link it to existing processes within your BIA. If you select resources, you can link it to an existing activities. Note, if you select resource you have to select a Unit Type.
Select properties if relevant
Add a location if relevant.
After creating the Unit, use the sliders along the available options (e.g Financial, Legal) to establish the RTO (Recovery Time Objective) and MTPD (Maximum Tolerable Period of Disruption) of the respective Unit.
Add a single point of failure if relevant. Note, this can only be added on the Unit Type resources.
Click Create/Done, once you are ready to add the unit.
Suggested units
This option will provide a list with suggested units, if this has been set up by an admin user on the organization page. If this has been set up, you will see a list of units you can select to add to your BIA.
You can easily filter the Units by using the Filter button.
The units can be filtered on:
Search - by title or owner of the Unit
Category - by the category that is part of
RTO - by the Recovery Time Objective
MTPD - Maximum Tolerable Period of Disruption
RPO - Recovery Point Objective
Create plan
To create a plan click on Create plan button:
You can add Business Continuity Plans on the BIA if you have this module. For more information on how to create a new BCP, read this article. Similar to when creating a Unit, when creating a plan you will also have to describe some general information (Title, Owner, Description, etc.).
What makes the plan different on a BIA is that you will have to define the criteria for your plan to be linked to a unit or multiple units by selecting to which Unit Categories, Types, RTO and Units your plan is related to.
Suggested plans
You can add suggested plans in your BIA if an administrator of the platform has set these up.
Conclusion & Comment
Conclusion enable you to add a conclusion to you BIA
Comments let you add any remarks about the BIA. Use the @ symbol to tag people, they will be notified by email that they have been tagged.
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