As an administrator on the Human Risks platform, you are able to set up treatment templates that will be suggested when a user clicks on Suggested Treatments.
How to set up a treatment template:
Go to your platform.
Click into the Organization module.
Scroll down to Treatment templates.
Click on Create +
Start by defining your treatment:
Write the Title.
Set a predefined Cost if relevant.
Add a Description.
Define if the Treatment should be Mandatory or not. A mandatory treatment differs from a regular one in that you cannot remove it from the suggestions list within the Risk Assessment.
A mandatory treatment differs from a regular one in that you cannot remove it from the suggestions list within the Risk Assessment.
Set the criteria for when a treatment should be suggested:
You can base the criteria on the following factors: the Countries, the Asset Types, Threat Types and/or the Site Categories. The treatment will be suggested whenever the selected logic evaluates to be true.
Click on the drop-downs to select one or more options for the treatment template to be suggested.
Additionally, you can add Automatic Effects to you treatment template. This will save time for the end-user when he/she has to assess the effectiveness of a treatment according to each of the threats added in the Risk Assessment.
How to set up Automatic Effects:
Use the drop-downs in the Automatic Effects to indicate on which threats this treatment has a low, medium and/or high effect.
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